Doublethink Diary Entry 2

When my condition was discovered like all diseased beings I was taken from
society (independent thought is terribly contagious and the Faceless People
cannot risk an epidemic) and quarantined in a centre for the mentally
unwell. My time at this centre is a blur to me, as is how exactly I came to
be there but (as my current circumstances attest) something happened. All I
can remember is a beautiful female face, a needle and flames. Not only have
I escaped from this institute but I have in my possession a book (it seems
despite all the public abhorrence for books the Faceless People we¹re
secretly housing books at these mental homes) which makes me public enemy no
1. I have not read the book yet though I am not sure why, the Elders tell me
there will be a sign when I ready. Oh yes the eldersŠ.